Monday, April 2

APA Formatting: In Love

Turns out the best people to teach you how to format in APA style in academic writing comes from the blog of the very same group.  I love this blog!  If you too are formatting a paper, thesis, document using this style, the blog has up-to-date information about how to format blogs, websites, press releases, internet video broadcasts, and how to format all other documents needed to refrain from plagiarizing (which I would like to encourage you to do, not plagiarize).  If there is something missing, ask them a question.  The answers are well written, easy to understand and short.  Can it get any better?  Probably not.  Use it.  Use it well.

1 comment:

  1. I am so geeky, I went out to look at the APA Format Blog. Sheesh! What is worse, I enjoyed it.

