Sunday, September 19

License Plate Wars

As I continued my journey from Regina to Winnipeg, I rolled across the border early in the morning.  Once in Manitoba I realized, as expected, the license plate on each car had changed and the succinct, unique message found on the Manitoba license plates would be different than the earlier Saskatchewan plates.  Never having been in Manitoba, nor having seen a resident license plate, I sped up to the vehicle in front of me to get a closer look.


This was the message I read on the plate.  What?!?  You can't say that!  Such an insulting comment toward the Saskatchewan-ites.  If this was the license plate, why had I not heard of Montague and Capulet type wars at the shared provincial border?  People flinging insults and slurs at each other!  Such a rude message from the Manitobans!  Unbelievable that they get away with this, and so on went my brain of justice.  Then I got a little closer:

Oh!  It says, "FRIENDLY" not "FINALLY".

Thus endeth the Shakespearean war that had begun in my head.

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